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The Silent Soldiers
Our brave men and women
Have said their good-byes
Their families were waving
With teardrops in their eyes
A mother quickly rushed home
And turned her TV on
But it's only been an hour
That her youngest son has gone
The men and women left behind
While their spouses go to war
Try to explain to their children
What we're fighting for
Every time a call comes in
Whenever the door bell rings
They shudder at the awful thought
Of what bad news war could bring
You are the Silent Soldiers
Doing much more than your share
And though we haven't seen you
We know that you are there
To all the children waiting
And to the families and friends
We hope that very shortly
Your loved ones will be home again
The sacrifices you will endure
Of facing each new day
You too have our prayers and support
Bless you and our USA
© Elaine Hall
All Rights Reserved
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