I would like to take this opportunity to thank the folks listed here for their friendship and having me on their web sites.
Penny Parker ( Penny's Place in Cyberspace )
Penny you had given me the encouagement and my first Index Page. Your kindness and friendship will NEVER be forgotten.
Please take the time to see her new CD ... Graphics By Penny Parker
( Mary's Place )
Mary you have become a good friend and I thank you for the beautiful web pages that you've made for me through the years. Even though you are from Cyprus, I feel as though you live next door.
Ishaah's Index - Ishaah's Inspirations
I thank you for using my poetry and songs. I would like to invite everyone to see my Patriotic poems which are on her site with many others too. Ishaah, I thank you for your friendship. Ishaah also gave me the idea for "Silent Soldier's".
KC's Cat Place
Thank you for your friendship and for having ALL of my cat poems on your site. Your graphics are great and well chosen for my poems. We share the love of all animals, especially cats.
Index (Swedish)-Index (English)
Last but certainly not least is Ingrid.She's a wonderful person from Sweden, who has given me my most recent Index Pages in both Swedish and English . I thank you so much for the beautiful site and your friendship too.
~ My sincere thanks to all of you ~

If you would like to hear my original songs please go to the home page